Benedikt Amann
Benedikt Amann est médecin, docteur et spécialiste en psychiatrie et psychothérapie à l’Université de Munich (Allemagne). Depuis plusieurs années, il travaille comme chercheur dans le groupe de recherche sur les troubles bipolaires à l’Université Ludwig–Maximilian de Munich, ainsi que d’autres groupes de recherche européens (Londres, Barcelone). En 2005, il a déménagé à Barcelone pour effectuer une collaboration scientifique dans le Programme des troubles bipolaires de l’Hospital Clinic de Barcelone, avec le professeur Eduard Vieta. Actuellement, il est le médecin traitant et investigateur principal du ministère espagnol de la Santé au Benito Menni Hôpital de Sant Boi à Barcelone. Membre du CIBERSAM, un réseau scientifique en Espagne, et mène des études et des études de neuro-imagerie cliniques dans les troubles bipolaires et de troubles schizo-affectifs. Il a rédigé plus de 70 articles dans le domaine de trouble bipolaire, du trouble schizo-affectif, de l’EMDR, de la somatisation et de la neuropsychiatrie. Il a participé en tant que conférencier à diverses conférences et à des congrès nationaux et internationaux de psychiatrie avec un intérêt particulier dans le trouble bipolaire.
Nous avons invité Benedikt a animer une formation sur le thème l’EMDR dans le traitement des toubles bipolaires, en avril 2016.
- Consultant in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy and Junior Researcher at the Ludwig-Maximilian-University (LMU) Munich (1997-2004).
- Research Assistant at the Institute of Neurology/Neurosurgery, London, UK (2003) and at the Bipolar Unit, Hospital Clínic, Barcelona, Spain (2005).
- Miguel Servet Research contract as Senior Research Fellow of the Ministry of Health in Spain (Instituto Carlos III) (2006-2013).
- Stabilization Research Contract by the Ministry of Health in Spain (Instituto Carlos III) (2013-2018).
- Senior Research Fellow at the FIDMAG Research Foundation Hermanas Hospitalarias in Barcelona, Spain (2006-).
- Consultant at the subacute Unit of the Hospital Benito Menni, Sant Boi, and in private practice, the Psychological and Medical Institute Auris, Barcelona, Spain (2006-).
- Member of the CIBERSAM, most relevant scientific network of mental health in Spain (2006-).
- Member of the Spanish and European EMDR Research Commitee (2009-).
Scientific focus:
- Relapse rates and corresponding risk factors in bipolar disorder.
- Role and treatment of traumatic events in bipolar disorder.
- Mechanism of action and new indications of EMDR.
- Neuroimaging in mental disorders with focus on schizoaffective disorders.
Clinical focus:
- Severe mental disorders with dual or triple comorbidities.
- Treatment of trauma in severe mental disorder.
- Improve adherence and insight.
As bass-baritone former member of the Munich Philharmonic Choir and the Sydney Symphony Choir. Currently member of the Cor Lieder Càmera, the Choir L’Orfeó Catalá of the Palau de la Musica and the Choir Ibercamera.
Vocal coaching with Prof. Schuppler (Munich), Jorge Jasso (Barcelona) and Xavier Mendoza (Barcelona).
Effects of functional remediation on neurocognitively impaired bipolar patients: enhancement of verbal memory. Psychological Medicine, 2015. Benedikt L Amann, Eduard Vieta, C. Mar Bonnin
Prevalence of cavum vergae across psychotic and mood disorders. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2015. Ramón Landin-Romero, Benedikt L Amann, Joaquim Radua
Midline brain abnormalities across psychotic and mood disorders. Schizophrenia Bulletin. 2015. Ramón Landin-Romero, Benedikt L Amann, Joaquim Radua
Gray matter volume in schizoaffective disorder compared to schizophrenia and bipolar disorder: a study using voxel-based morphometry. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. 2015. Benedikt L Amann, Erick Canales-Rodriguez, Eduard Vieta, Peter McKenna, Joaquim Radua, Ramón Landin-Romero
The prevalence and effect of alcohol use disorders on 300 bipolar I and II patients: a 4 year prospective follow-up study. Australian New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. 2015. Benedikt L Amann, Christian Simhandl
Brain functional changes across the different phases of bipolar disorder. British Journal of Psychiatry, février 2015, Silvia Alonso-Lana, Benedikt L Amann, Salvador Sarró Maluquer
Successful treatment of hydroxyzine and dexclorfeniramine maleate in combination with electroconvulsive therapy in a malignant catatonia: a case report. International Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 2014, Paloma Fernández Corcuera, Merce Madre, Benedikt L Amann
Comparison of serum BDNF levels in deficit versus nondeficit schizophrenia and healthy controls, Psychiatry Research, 2014, Alicia Valiente Gómez, Benedikt L Amann, Miguel Bernardo
Transcultural adaption and validation of the Spanish Version of the Bipolar Depression Rating Scale (BDRS-S), Journal of Affective Disorders, 2014, Salvador Sarró Maluquer, Mercè Madre, Michael Berk, Benedikt L Amann
A longitudinal neuropsychological evaluation and fMRI study in schizoaffective disorder. Schizophrenia Research, 2014, Mercé Madre, Joaquim Radua, Ramón Landin-Romero, Benedikt L Amann
The prevalence and effect of life events on 222 bipolar I and II patients: a 4 year prospective follow-up study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2014, Christian Simhandl, Joaquim Radua, Barbara König, Benedikt L Amann
A Prospective 4-Year Naturalistic Follow-Up of Treatment and Outcome of 300 Bipolar I and II Patients, Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, février 2014, Benedikt L Amann, Christian Simhandl, Barbara König
Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy in subsyndromal bipolar patients with a history of traumatic events: a randomized, controlled pilot-study, Psychiatry Research, 2014, Benedikt L Amann, Francine Shapiro, Ramón Landin-Romero, Joaquim Radua
Structural abnormalities in schizophrenia: further evidence on the key role of the anterior cingulate cortex. Neuropsychobiology, janvier 2014, Pilar Salgado-Pineda, Benedikt L Amann, Ramon Landin-Romero
Time and money saving: The validation of the patient Life Chart selfversion for bipolar disorder. BMC Psychiatry, 2014, Christoph Born, Benedikt L Amann, Heinz Grunze, Robert Post
Functional remediation for patients with bipolar II disorder: Improvement of functioning and subsyndromal symptoms. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol, 2014, Brisa Solé, Benedikt L Amann, Eduard Vieta, Carla Torrent
Efficacy of functional remediation in bipolar disorder: a multicentre, randomized-controlled study. American Journal of Psychiatry, 2013, Carla Torrent, Benedikt L Amann, Eduard Vieta
The effects of eye movements on the visuospatial sketchpad and the phonological loop in healthy subjects: possible implications for EMDR, Personal and Individual Differences, août 2013, Benedikt L Amann, Ian Scott, Alejandro Maiche
EMDR therapy modulates the default mode network in a subsyndromal, traumatised bipolar patient, Neuropsychobiology, 2013, Ramón Landin-Romero, Francine Shapiro, Benedikt L Amann
De-Escalation and Atypical Antipsychotics in the Treatment of Acute Mania. Fortschr Neurol Psychiat, avril 2013, Benedikt L Amann, Heinz Grunze
Brain dysfunction in schizoaffective disorder: a fMRI study. Psychological Medicine, 2012, Benedikt L Amann, Mercé Madre
Executive dysfunction and memory impairment in schizoaffective disorder: a comparison with bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and healthy controls. Psychological Medicine, 2012, Benedikt L Amann, Edith Pomarol-Clotet
Bipolar depressed patients show both failure to activate and failure to de-activate during performance of a working memory task. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2012, Paloma Fernandez, Benedikt L Amann, Peter McKenna
Rates and clinical correlates of treatment non-adherence in schizoaffective disorders. Acta Psychiatr Scand, 2012, Andrea Murru, Benedikt L Amann, Eduard Vieta
Six-month psychosocial functioning in bipolar patients with sub/syndromal symptoms. Bipolar Disorders, 2011, Benedikt L Amann, Adriane Rosa
Lamotrigine: when and where does it act in affective disorders? A systematic review. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 2011, Benedikt L Amann, Peter J McKenna
First-episode psychosis is characterized by failure of deactivation but not by hypo- or hyperfrontality. Psychological medicine, 2011, Benedikt L Amann, Amalia Guerrero-Pedraza
Effects of atypical antipsychotics on neurocognition in euthymic bipolar patients. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 2011, Benedikt L Amann, Eduard Vieta
Default mode network dysfunction in mania. World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, 2011, Edith Pomarol-Clotet, Benedikt L Amann, Peter McKenna
Number Needed to Treat Analyses of drugs used for Maintenance Treatment of Bipolar Disorder. Psychopharmacology, 2011, Dina Popovic, Benedikt L Amann, Eduard Vieta