Natalia Seijo

Natalia Seijo est psychologue-psychothérapeute, spécialisée dans le trauma complexe, la dissociation et les troubles alimentaires. Elle est directrice d’une consultation qu’elle a fondée il y a 20 ans dans le nord de l’Espagne. Elle est superviseur est facilitatrice à l’Institut EMDR espagnol. Elle est formée dans plusieurs approches thérapeutiques : l’EMDR, la thérapie sensorimoteur, la Gestalt, la thérapie des schémas et la thérapie systémique. Natalia prépare son doctorat sur « la prévalence de la dissociation en Espagne » et elle est impliquée dans plusieurs projets de recherches sur les troubles alimentaires. Natalia est membre de EMDRIA, ESTD, ISSTD en AETCA. Ses publications dans le domaine des troubles alimentaires relient le trauma, l’attachement et la dissociation. Elle collabore avec plusieurs universités en Espagne et anime régulièrement des formations, des conférences et de la supervision autour des troubles alimentaires.
Nous avons invité Natalia à faire des formations :
- Le traitement des troubles alimentaires en EMDR en janvier 2019, mars 2021, février 2023, mars 2025
- Traiter les troubles psychosomatiques par la thérapie EMDR en octobre 2020.
- Dissociation Somatoforme et Dissociation Somatique en septembre 2022.
- Dissociation et Troubles de Personnalité Histrioniques, en avril 2024
Formation & diplômes
- Psychology. Specialization: clinical psychology. Santiago de Compostela University.
- Highest Degree Awarded: Phd
- Doctoral thesis in process “dissociative disorders in outpatients”
- Expert in Psychosomatic Medicine and Health Psychology. International University of Catalunya
- Director of a private psychology clinical specialized in the treatment of trauma, dissociation and eating disorders for 16 years.
- Expertise in eating disorders. Unity of Eating Disorders Niño Jesús Hospital. Madrid
- Clinical experience with dissociative disorders.
- Clinical experience with abuse and domestic violence victims
- Trained on Schema therapy. New York city 2016
- Trained on Gestalt therapy Spain 2003
- Trained on family therapy. Spain 2000
- Member AETCA Spanish ED Association.
- Member of the EMDR Spanish Association. EMDR Europe Consultant
- Regular presenter on advanced trainings in EMDR Spain. Specialty: eating disorders.
- Associate Teacher on Master of EMDR University of UNED Spain.
- Associate Teacher on the Psychology school of University of Santiago de Compostela and International Valencia University on the practice training. (Spain)
- The dissociative language. Book chapter in EMDR and dissociation: the progressive approach. 2012. Ediciones Pléyades, S.A. (co-author)
- EMDR and Eating Disorders. 2012. Revista hispanoamericana de psicotraumatología y Disociación . vol 4 (REVIBA) ISSN: 2007-8544 (author
- Eating Disorders and Dissociation. 2015 ESTD Newsletter. Vol 4 number 1 (author)
- The Rejected Self working with Body Image Distortion in Eating Disorders. 2016 ESTD Newsletter. Vol 5 number 4 (author)
- EMDR therapy for Body Image Distortion protocol. chapter on the EMDR Protocols book by Marilyn Luber . (on press)
- Protocol for EMDR and EDs. Chapter on the EMDR Protocols book by Marilyn Luber. (on press)
1) Presentation “Management of crises” A Coruña University Spain, 1994 (presenter)
2) “Cognitive-Behavior intervention in Binge Eating Case” Poster National and International Conferences Behavior, Spain 1995 (presenter)
3) “Prognosis in eating disorders with young adolescent” Xunta Galicia Spain, 1997 (presenter)
4) “ A Bulimia Case” Psychology meeting, Vigo University, Spain 1999 (presenter)
5) “Workshop Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa ” Social Services, Spain 1999, 2000,2001, 2002 (presenter)
6) “Defense and Protection in stress, Motivation and Self- esteem” Arquitecto Marcide Hospital, Spain 2007 (presenter)
7) EMDR in Complex Trauma and Dissociative Disorders. Annual EMDRIA Conference. Looking back, Moving forward. Atlanta, 2009. ( Co-presenter )
8) Relational difficulties in patients with dissociative disorders and complex trauma. Hospital de Oza, La Coruña, 2009 (co-presenter)
9) Processing Dissociative Phobias with EMDR. ESTD. European Society for Trauma and Dissociation. 2010 Conference. Healing from Traumatic Relationships. Psychological and Societal Perspectives on Trauma and Dissociation. Queen’s University. Belfast. (co-presenter)
10) Understanding Dissociative Language. 2010 EMDRIA Conference. EMDR: From Trauma to Dissociation”. EMDRIA. Minneapolis. (co-presenter)
11) Workshop: Dissociation and EMDR. 2011 A progressive approach. ISSTD 28th Annual Conference. Complex Trauma and Dissociation across the life span. Montreal. (co-presenter)
12) Frequent defenses in trauma and eating disorders. 2011. II Jornadas de Trastornos de la Personalidad. Santiago de Compostela. (presenter)
13) The “Rejected Self”. Treating defenses in eating disorders with EMDR. 2011. IX Congreso Nacional de Psicología Clínica. San Sebastian. (presenter)
14) Clinical applications of EMDR therapy in eating disorders. 2012. Colexio Oficial de Psicoloxía de Galicia. Santiago de Compostela. (presenter)
15) Dissociation, trauma and eating disorders. 2012. Congreso de Psiquiatría. (presenter)
17) Eating disorders and personality disorders. 2013. INTRA-TP. Institute for the Study of Trauma and Personality Disorders. (presenter)
18) EMDR and eating disorders. 2013. A Coruña. Asociación EMDR Spain. Advanced workshop. (presenter)
19) Trauma and psychosomatic disorders. 2013. INTRA-TP. Institute for the Study of Trauma and Personality Disorders. (presenter)
20). Eating disorders and EMDR. 2013. Madrid. Asociación EMDR España. Advanced workshop. (presenter)
21). Eating disorders and dissociation. INTRA-TP. 2013. Institute for the Study of Trauma and Personality Disorders. A Coruña. Spain (presenter)
22) EMDR and Eating Disorders. The Rejected self. 2014 International Conferences EMDR \Asia. Manila (presenter)
23) Advanced EMDR for the body image distortion treatment in Eating Disorders. 2014 the 15th EMDR Europe Edinburgh Conferences (presenter)
24) Treating Eating Disorders with EMDR therapy. 2015 EMDR International Association Conference. Philadelphia (presenter)
25) Trauma and Dissociation in Eating Disorders. 2016 5th Biennal Conference of the European Society for Trauma and Dissociation (ESTD) Amsterdam. (presenter)
26) Trauma and Attachment. 2016 III conferences of Psychology of Galicia. Spain. (presenter)
27) Psychological approach of trauma. 2016 Psychology school of Galicia. Spain (presenter)
28) Trauma and attachment in eating disorders. 2016 Psychology school of Galicia. Spain (presenter)
29) Treating Eating Disorders with EMDR therapy. Integrativa center. Brussels 2016. Belgium (presenter)
30) Expertise program of Eating disorders for clinicians. INTRA-TP October 2016- February 2017. A Coruña (presenter)